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True Worship

worshipTrue Worship, what does it mean? My nine-year-old daughter and eight-year-old son handed me a piece of cardboard decorated with ribbons and written in colored marking pen was "Happy 50th Birthday, Daddy".

"Wow, did you guys make all these yourselves...? How very clever of you. Thank you!" I responded not only with thanks, but also with praise, recognizing the effort it took them to put it together and the creativity involved. All that with me in their mind.

 Sometimes we want to tell those around us how special they are-not just because of what they have done, but because of who they are to us. This is giving value to people in different ways, which is what worship is. Giving it up to God for who He is, as well as what He has done for us.

This is an important part of a Christian life. Giving worth or value to God (not that he needs us to, but because we want to respond to him).

We may sometimes find it difficult to motivate ourselves to do so, but the wonderful thing is that as we begin to give God our full attention, so he comes among us. It's not that he isn't there all the time; more that we become more aware of his continual presence with us in a different way.

Acknowledging God takes many forms, with each person finding some ways more helpful than others. Music is just one part of it although sometimes the two words are not interchangeable-and it doesn't always have to take place on a Sunday, or in a church with others.

To me appreciating who God is and what He has done for me is a way of life. When I look at a stunning sunset, I say to myself, "WOW!!! You did all these just for me to see and enjoy? WOW! Thank you Lord.

These types of situations reminds me of an amazing God I have, creator of the world. This appreciation triggers worship in me. To recognize and appreciate what He has done for me. The splendor and the beauty of creation, all for me to see and enjoy. WOW!!!

Like what my daughter Grace and my son Junior wrote on their decorated piece of cardboard. "Thank You, Daddy for everything". It certainly triggered deep appreciation within me and the love that flowed out of me, wanting to hug them both for a very long time. It is the same with God.

When we show appreciation to God for what He has done and who He is to us, it certainly triggers deep seated love flowing from within God out towards us. Beloveds, True Worship should be like breathing is to our bodies. Without it we just simply can not exist.  Glory to God and may He be blessed.

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